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DIHs_P4Medicine Project’s 2nd Study Visit in Ljubljana, Slovenia


Updated: Nov 1, 2023

The objective of the 2nd Study Visit of DIHs_P4Medicine consortium is to create synergies with the stakeholders and representatives of innovative and leading companies of the healthcare ecosystem in Slovenia.

DIHs_P4Medicine is a project led by four European Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH·bio, Transilvania DIH, and Minasmart) which are experts on digital health and advanced technologies. We aim to identify key health priority areas where innovative digital technologies can be applied to accelerate the shift from a reactive healthcare approach to one based on the P4 Medicine paradigm: predictive, preventive, personalized and participatory.

The project aims to elaborate action plans to promote mid and long-term collaboration among Digital Innovation Hubs with high social impact in healthcare and aligned with EU Health Strategy. Digital transformation of this field has a high level of technical complexity, and therefore requires the intervention of a wide range of stakeholders. Lessons learned from this project will set out the basis for future inter-regional collaborations among key stakeholders of health innovation ecosystems.

To achieve our mission, the DIHsP4_Medicine project is organizing its 2nd Study Visit on January 16-18, 2023 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. This Study Visit aims to put together the consortium members and relevant local stakeholders working in the field of healthcare innovation. The following activities will take place in Ljubljana, Slovenia:

  • On Monday, January 16, 2023, the DIHs_P4Medicine consortium is hosting a panel discussion focused on the healthcare digital transformation and the role of DIHsin the ecosystem. This session will count on the expertise and participation of representatives from:

    • SRIP Zdravje-Medicina (cluster for strategic partnerships in Healthcare, AHA reference point);

    • Cosylab Ltd (advanced medical devices, control systems for cancer therapy systems, also member of eHealth developers associations);

    • Government Office for Digital Transformation;

    • Ministry of Health and;

    • DIH University of Maribor.

This will be followed by an on-site internal meeting of the DIHs_P4Medicine consortium to discuss the findings and conclusion related to Task Force 2* and set out the next steps towards the forthcoming Task Forces and Study Visits. This will be the basis for two of the project’s deliverables.

  • On Tuesday, January 17, 2023, the study visit will continue with stakeholders’ presentations and facilities visits from the Slovenian biohealth ecosystem with focus on the health field: Biosistemika, Sensum Ltd., National Institute of Biology, Better and Jožef Stefan Institute DIH.

  • On January 18, 2023, the DIHs_P4Medicine consortium will have a final internal meeting to discuss about findings and draw conclusions on this 2st Study Visit and Task Force 2, and discuss the next steps regarding Task Force 3.

*About Task Force 2 of DIHs_P4Medicine Discussions in the TF2 will address a wide range of different issues such as how public authorities can support activities of the Hubs as central players in regional innovation ecosystems and the exchange of digitalisation services among DIHs located in different regions, experiences in the management of infrastructures owned by several entities, mechanisms to promote open innovation, or the design of agile matchmaking mechanisms that respond to the demands made by companies and public administrations in the field of digital transformation, among other hot topics.


Task Force 2 Coordinator: Rebeka Zerovnik

Project Coordinator: Aurora Holgado,

Communication Coordinator: Andrei Martîniuc,

Disclaimer: DIHs_P4Medicine project is Funded by the European Union under the Grant Agreement nr. 101070719. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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