This week marks the end of the DIHsP4_Medicine project, a groundbreaking two-year European Commission-funded action to transform healthcare through collaboration between European innovation healthcare ecosystems.
The DIHsP4_Medicine project was designed to activate the P4 paradigm (Preventive, Personalised, Predictive and Participatory) in medicine and develop a Joint Action Plan (JAP) with the vision of establishing collaborative initiatives between European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs) across Europe. This initiative supports the development and adoption of disruptive digital technologies and services in critical areas of digital health, with the aim of driving the paradigm shift towards healthcare services and processes based on prediction, prevention, personalisation and patient engagement.
DIHsP4_Medicine has been tasked with developing comprehensive action plans that define strategic priorities. These plans, developed through extensive collaboration, address the challenges and seize the opportunities presented by the digital transformation of different areas of the healthcare sector through long-term collaboration between innovation ecosystems led by European DIHs.
Project implementation:
Over the past two years, the DIHsP4_Medicine project has made a decisive contribution to bringing together stakeholders through numerous meetings, strategic planning sessions and a shared drive for innovation. Our collective efforts during the two phases of the project have resulted in outcomes that will facilitate the digital transformation of healthcare.
Phase 1: Focused on fostering close dialogue between key stakeholders within the hub environment. We analysed existing European, national and regional innovation agendas, plans and activities within the digital health landscape. We also looked at the key opportunities and barriers facing the innovation ecosystems involved in the project, and identified ways to collaborate effectively to address these needs.
Phase 2: Elaboration, concretisation, establishment and validation of the Joint Action Plan (JAP), allocating activities over the proposed action period, focusing on the P4 Medicine approach and promoting successful collaboration mechanisms between DIHs specialising in healthcare, with the aim of improving healthcare delivery and patient outcomes.
The project brought together a consortium of four EDIHs from four European regions: Madrid, Ljubljana, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and North-West Romania, representing a wide range of stakeholders from the quadruple helix of innovation.

Key outcomes
The primary outcome of the DIHsP4_Medicine project is the Joint Action Plan (JAP), developed on the basis of the lessons learned in Phase 1. This JAP will serve as a practical roadmap and guide for the implementation of strategic lines of work and specific actions that promote digital health, with the aim of improving collaboration, effectiveness and efficiency in achieving common outcomes, ultimately having a positive impact on businesses, health systems and the overall health of the population.
Future Perspectives
The project's innovative approach and the invaluable insights gained will pave the way for future collaborations, fostering ecosystems that engage highly specialized players in the healthcare sector.
Looking ahead, we are committed to nurturing the partnerships built during this project and contributing to healthcare innovation through our JAP and manifesto. Our collective efforts will continue, and we are eager to develop new perspectives and build on the foundation established by the DIHsP4_Medicine project.
Disclaimer: DIHs_P4Medicine project is Funded by the European Union under the Grant Agreement nr. 101070719. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.