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Study Visit 1 - Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France

The DIHsP4_Medicine project organized its 1st Study Visit on November 28-30th 2022 in

Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France. The 1st Study Visit of DIHs_P4Medicine Project was a meeting

point between the consortium members and the regional stakeholders and representatives from

innovative companies of the health and technology sector.

The following activities took place in Lyon and Grenoble:

● On November 28, 2022, the Study Visit began with a visit to the facilities and

some of the actors of the Campus Region du Numérique in Lyon. This was

followed by an on-site internal meeting of the DIHs_P4Medicine consortium to

discuss the findings and conclusion related to Task Force 1* and set out the next

steps towards the forthcoming Task Forces and Study Visits. That was the basis

for two of the project’s deliverables.

● On November 29, 2022, DIHs_P4Medicine consortium participated in the regional

event Journée Ambition Europe in Lyon and network with regional stakeholders

and representatives of highly innovative companies of the healthcare sector

working in innovative solutions for digital health.

● On November 30, 2022, DIHs_P4Medicine consortium attended the DigiFed

European project’s Final Event in Grenoble, where the project members

established connections with representatives of Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs)

from across Europe.

● In addition, the DIHs_P4Medicine consortium had a final internal meeting to

discuss findings and draw conclusions on this 1st Study Visit.

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